
Please see below some objection templates. Please be aware that the Mullaghclogher proposal has not gone to planning yet. You can check back here when it does for a template.

Contact your Local

Councillors & MLAs

Do you want to help Save the Moat, Save the Sperrins? Have your voice heard by contacting your local Councillors and MLAs. Below is their contact details and a sample email.

Dear Cllr/MLA(Delete as necessary and insert name)

Proposed Mullaghclogher Windfarm

I object outright to the above proposed application due to the adverse impact it will have on the character of the Sperrins Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the local area in particular.  This includes historical sites and tourism in the area.  I object to the windfarms being placed on an extensive peatland site which is a priority habitat and I am worried that this will have  major environmental impacts. I also have concerns for the health and wellbeing of householders in the area.  I urge you and your party to seek a Public Review of this application at your earliest opportunity.


Yours faithfully,

